Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I did something kind of silly the other day after talking to my friend Marsha about the latest theories on Harry Potter. I took the IQ quiz on The Leaky Cauldron website! I know it's kind of corny, but it was fun. I did receive an O.W.L - barely squeaking by!

This was fun. I hadn't read the latest interview with J.K. Rowling about Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince even though I've read the book a few times. There are some interesting observations discussed - anything from Dumbledore's somewhat questionable thinking patterns to just who is "R.A.B". If you are a Harry Potter fan and haven't been on any of the websites, they are very...educational, not to mention interesting.

My favorite one is J.K. Rowling's Official Site, but then there are The Leaky Cauldron and Mugglenet.

Well, that's all for now! Cheers!

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Well, I'm finally back online after two months. Wasn't really having problems, I was just too lazy to get the computer set up after I moved for the second time in five months.

I'm already having homeowner woes. There was water in the basement, but at least I know why. My inspector didn't notice that the downspout entrances are actually HIGHER than the rest of the gutters! They aren't pitched correctly and water pours out of where it shouldn't. I should be able to get that fixed.

And, there's mold in the basement from OLD water - the previous owner didnt' disclose this and actually tried to cover it up with paint, so there you go. We'll see if I can get him to fix it.

And...I need a new roof. Not a big deal, right? I just need to come up with $11,000 because it need a tear off and added protection from ice dams!!!!!!!!!! Jason had posted a reply to my last post, but his blog seems to not be on the server anymore. If you are out there anywhere Jason, I just wanted to say that I feel for you and I'm right there with you! My inspection was in the summer, though, so I am hoping that the inspector will make amends.

To top it all off, the previous owner took most of the perennial plants that were in the yard and the riding mower he "threw in" was a piece of crap that didn't work. It's still a great yard and lovely garden, though. I have about an acre with a pretty corn field behind me. I also have a huge maple tree - it's probably around 60 years old.

Anyway, that's all for now. I posted some new photos of the house on my photosite. Click here to go and see them.

Until later,